Garnishes For Ice Creams & Parfaits

Using Gelatitalia garnishes you can lay all your heart and soul on the ice cream you lavishly scoop in your parlor’s display cabinets and take-away buckets. Alongside with our traditional ice-cream toppings, available in a range of fresh fruit-, nut- and chocolate-based flavors, our catalog offers multiple choices to custom all the products you sell at your ice-cream parlor, like parfaits, pastries and fruit salads: black cherries to embellish the cover of your frozen desserts, cookie granolas, meringues and hazelnuts to make ice creams and parfaits crunchier, plus powdered and liquid products to give your delicacies a creative twist of flavor, like cocoa, licorice and coffee. Long-lasting and high-quality ingredients are at the base of our ice-cream garnishes, as well as all our other products: browse our catalog and make your desserts special!

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