Complet Cream Line

Out of stock

Codice Preparazione Dosaggio Packaging Unità di vendita Cartone Gluten Free
mou complet A008294 35-40°C complete bag 1,2kg 10 bags
cheesecake A003559 cold complete bag 1kg 10 bags
cioco latte A003517 35-40°C complete bag 1,1kg 10 bags
ciococrema Extra A008375 35-40°C complete bag 1,5kg 8 bags
Coconut A003534 cold complete bag 1kg 10 bags
coffequik A003499 cold complete bag 1kg 10 bags
fiordilatte A003503 cold complete bag 1kg 10 bags
floriso A008374 65° complete bag 1,7kg 6 bags
yogurt A008295 35-40° complete bag 1,1kg 10 bags
yogurt lactose-free A008775 cold complete bag 1,1kg 10 bags

SKU: 016-5-1-1-1-1 Categories: , Tag:

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    Complet Cream Line features a rich assortment of complete mixes for the preparation of custard-based ice creams that can be made by just adding hot water, warm milk and cream or cold whole milk according to the recipe supplied by us. This array comprises both traditional and more unusual flavors to appeal to all your customers’ tastes: from creamy chocolate ice creams to banana and almond to the most intriguing blends of exotic fruit and spices. Complet Cream Line also brings forward some options for the preparation of natural soy-based neutrals that make lactose-intolerants, vegans and milk-protein-sensitive people happy too. Discover Gelatitalia’s whole range and enrich your production line with versatile, innovative, prime-quality products.


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